Cub Scout Twilight Camp 2022
One-Stop Fun
Harrisburg Hunters and Anglers had the privilege of hosting multiple area Cub Scout packs within the county for a five day Twilight Camp themed Cub Scout Investigator. HHA was the ideal setting and perfect opportunity to explore the great outdoors.
The scouts, ages 6-10, opened each day with the raising of the flag and pledge. Ensuring there was never a dull moment, Camp Director Rich Burdette, Amanda Eshenour and Program Director AmyBeth Gibbs were careful about the use of time and created daily agendas that introduced thought-provoking activities. Each participant received a magnifying glass at the start of camp, becoming the focus for each activity which included observation skills, details and being prepared, good sportsmanship, identification of trees, cloud-gazing, nature walks, fingerprinting, and navigation tools. The more activities they participated in, the more they seemed to learn about themselves and what they were capable of.
Their Trading Post offered a variety of camping equipment, toys, and food. Welcome additions to camp were the skills of Rick Dague Fishing Instructor, Matt Gibbs Archery Instructor, Bob Hoppstetter and Abe Leshko Sports and Games Program Instructors and Dave Olsen BB Gun Instructor. And of course Health Officer Maria Angelo was always on hand to oversee camp safety. A big thank you to HHA board members John Kline and Rich Willier who were also available each day to support our guests.
A touch of sadness filled the air on the last evening of camp when families joined the fun and scouts showcased their rocket launch. Also memorable was gathering around the campfire to watch skits and to sing songs. District Director and Eagle Scout Roger Chatell was a particular hit with his crescendo and group participation. It was a point of honor for the scouts to receive their camp patches as well.
Friendship requires time for sharing experiences. An important nod to the camp ambassador’s whose interactive activities were designed to enrich minds while encouraging connections and awakening in the scouts an enthusiasm and knowledge they didn’t arrive at camp with. They will hopefully pass that knowledge on to others. We look forward to seeing you again next year!