Striker Fire Challenge

Striker-Fire Challenge matches, using striker-fired pistols (centerfire only), are held outdoors at HH&A’s Police Pistol Combat Range #2 each year. See our Match Flyer linked below for the scheduled dates.
The matches are similar to the “CMP National Challenge” match that the Glock Sport Shooting Foundation (GSSF) has held at the National Pistol Matches at Camp Perry, OH since 2017.
We will use the same NRA D-1 (P) tombstone paper target and course of fire as the GSSF match, but rather than restrict our matches to Glock pistols only, we allow any brand of striker-fired pistol to be used.
Five relays will be run per match date from 9:00 a.m. until around noon. Cost is $10 per relay. Three Gun Classes are used – Stock (Iron Sights), Open (Optics), and Concealed Carry (<3.7" barrel, Iron Sights). You may shoot as many relays as you like, and shoot in any or all Gun Classes, pending availability of space.
We will pay a minimum of 50% of the entry fees taken in back to the shooters as cash awards. Awards will be given separately by Gun Class, and are determined using the Lewis Classification System and our How Awards Are Determined rules and procedures. The number of Lewis Classes established (A, B, C, etc.) is based on the number of shooters in a given Gun Class (1 Lewis Class will be established for every 10 shooters). Awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Places will be given for each Lewis Class.
Certificates of Achievement will be given to anyone who sets a new Striker-Fire Challenge Standing Record or ties an existing record, and to anyone who scores a perfect score (Honorary 500 Club for Stock and Open, or Honorary 400 Club for Concealed Carry) in the match.
See links below for additional information about the matches.
Please plan on joining us for some fun. Bring a shooting friend with you. Our matches are open to the public.
Gene Cash, Match Director
©2020 Heather Powers Photography